
Easy Galaxy Painting Idea for Kids

I am so excited to share this Easy Galaxy Painting Idea for Kids inspired by the Milky Way Galaxy. My son is a fan of space and all things related to space. Last week he had watched a video on the Milky Way Galaxy by Dr. Binocs and was very fascinated. So, I thought of doing this activity with him and he totally loved it! In fact, we have made more than five galaxy paintings in a week. I plan to make a collage and frame it and put it in his room.

Easy Galaxy Painting for Kids

This is a very easy way of painting the Milky way galaxy. You can do this with kids as young as 4 years. So let’s get started!

Supplies Needed

Black Paper

Poster Colors ( Yellow, Purple, Green. Blue, White and Pink)

Spare Toothbrush


Step 1

Take an A4 size black paper. In case you don’t have black paper, then color your paper with black paint. Using black paper for this painting will help the colors to really pop up and adding the white splatters later with toothbrush really adds to the galaxy effect. 

take black paper for Easy Galaxy Painting for Kids

Step 2

Second step is to fold it into half to create an imaginary line.

Fold paper for Easy Galaxy Painting for Kids

Step 3

Paint on one side of the paper. Tell your little ones, they need to paint on one side of the paper like the picture below. Start making circles from inside and then outside with different colors. We started with yellow. Then with pink, purple, blue and green.

start with yellow colour
color outside
color on one side of the paper

Step 4

Now fold your paper and rub your hands all over the folded piece, so that the paint spreads on the other side of the paper. You will have to do this process quickly before the paint dries. In case the paint dries then sprinkle some water on the painting before folding. Now, open the paper carefully.

Easy Galaxy Painting for Kids

Step 5

Now the time is to add stars for the galaxy effect. We used a toothbrush to create stars. Dip the toothbrush in white paint and splatter it all over the paper using fingers. This will create little stars for your galaxy.

Make stars for Easy Galaxy Painting for Kids

Step 6

Your galaxy painting is ready ! Doesn’t it look beautiful ?

Easy Galaxy Painting Idea for Kids

I hope you enjoyed this easy galaxy painting idea for kids! Please tell us in comments if you will try it with your kids.

You should also read our post on Make Slime Monster at Home.

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