
30+ Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids and Beginners

Are you looking for Easy Rangoli Designs for kids? Your search ends here. This festival decorate your home with these easy and beautiful rangoli designs and involve your kids in the same. This way they will learn our traditions and also utilize their time well. Rangoli making also helps to develop children’s creativity and motor skills as they use their hands and fingers to make the same. Besides creativity and motor skills, kids find rangoli making a fun activity to do.

This festival when you will be making rangoli with your kids share with them

  • What is Rangoli?
  • What are the different names of Rangoli?
  • Why is Rangoli made?
  • What materials are used to make Rangoli?
  • How are Rangoli colors made?


Rangoli comes from the Sanskrit word Rangavalli. “Ranga” means color and “Avalli” means rows or lines. Rangoli is known by many different names in India depending on the state you live in.

State Name
Tamil Nadu Kolam
Andhra Pradesh   Nuggulu
Karnataka Muggitu
Rajasthan Mandana
Uttar Pradesh Chowk Pujan
Bihar Aripana
West Bengal  Alpana
 Chhattisgarh Chowkpurana
  Gujarat Saathiya
Different Names of Rangoli

Rangolis are mostly made on Hindu festivals like Diwali, Onam, Pongal, Sakranthi, and Ganesh Chaturthi. Though, it is most commonly made during Diwali. They’re normally made outside the main entrance’s threshold and inside pooja ghars.

Rangolis are not only made for decorating the house. It is believed that rangolis invite good luck and prosperity and keeps evil and negative energy away. Traditionally Rangoli was made using rice flour or powdered limestone. But now people create rangoli using different materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand, and flower petals. 

You can make rangoli in any design. Traditional rangoli designs include peacocks, creepers, fishes, flowers, etc. But it is not compulsory to go with traditional designs. You can be creative and make any design or pattern.

Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids

Here are easy Rangoli designs for kids that you can make with your kids

Easy Rangoli Designs with Colored Powder

Here I have compiled simple and easy designs which kids can easily make. These designs are small and easy to make. You can click on the image to find step by step tutorial. For young kids, you can create a pattern on the floor with the help of a chalk. After that ask them to fill it with rangoli colors.

Rangoli Designs from Kshipra

Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids

Rangoli Designs from Menaka

Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids

Rangoli Designs from Rangoli Nation

Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids
Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids
Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids

Easy Rangoli Designs with Flowers

You don’t have to limit yourself with colors. You can make rangoli with flowers too. Flower rangolis are less messy and quick to make. Here are some easy and beautiful rangoli designs made with flowers and leaves from Sandhya’s corner. You can find a detailed step-by-step procedure to make the same by clicking on the link.

Flower rangoli designs for kids
Image Courtesy: Sandhya’s Corner YouTube Channel
Flower rangoli designs for kids at entrance
Image Courtesy: Sandhya’s Corner YouTube Channel
Flower rangoli designs for kids
Image Courtesy: Sandhya’s Corner YouTube Channel
Flower rangoli designs for kids
Image Courtesy: Sandhya’s Corner YouTube Channel
Flower rangoli designs for kids
Image Courtesy: Sandhya’s Corner YouTube Channel

Easy Rangoli with Pulses and Grains

You can also try rangoli with pulses and grains too. Different kinds of pulses and grains of various shades will make the pattern look beautiful. This type of rangoli will surely create a sense of excitement among the kids. If you want it to be a little less messy, you can do it on a plate instead of the floor. Also do not use paint or synthetic colours to colour the rice. Use food dyes so that you can feed the same to birds later on.

Flower Design Grain Rangoli for kids
Image Courtesy: Malabar Galley
Flower Design Grain Rangoli
Image Courtesy: Priyal’s Food & Arts
Rangoli Designs with Rice
Image Courtesy: Enrich Minds YouTube Channel
Rangoli Designs with grains
Image Courtesy: Enrich Minds YouTube Channel

Amazon Products Related to Rangoli

Here are links to some amazing products, I found on Amazon related to Rangoli.

Rangoli Powder Tube Kit

rangoli colors on amazon

Glitter Rangoli Tube Kit

glitter rangoli colors on amazon

Plastic Stencils for Rangoli

stencil for rangoli on Amazon

This festival help your kids in making Rangoli designs with these simple rangoli designs. Hope you found these Easy Rangoli Designs for Kids helpful. We would love to see your creations. Please share with us. You will also like our post Children’s Books on Festivals of India.

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